They also have a decent aerial game as well. They have access to hordes of weak, but cheap peasant infantry backed by powerful artillery in the form of trebuchets and devastatingly powerful cavalry in the form of the best mounted selection in the Old World, such as powerful Questing Knights, Knights of the Realm, superhuman Grail Knights, and Grail Guardians. Outside of combat, their strength comes from exploiting the use of Vampiric Corruption on the strategic map to shift advantage to themselves, which means their offensives require a lot of planning. They have a lot of big monsters, most of their units are scary and inflict morale penalties on the enemy, and can make a fair attempt at air superiority too thanks to all the flying units. They have no ranged units whatsoever - not even artillery. They have a combination of strong, expensive units and weak, expendable units, all of which are heavily dependent on their hero units in battle who can support them with a variety of buffs. Vampire Counts: A Spammer/Technical/Espionage faction.Unfortunately they have no cavalry and little mobility, and because most of the army is heavily armoured it means anti-armour units from other factions will have a field day picking them apart. Their racial trait includes Undying Loyalty, to the point that they will not have civil wars, though their stubbornness can complicate their internal diplomacy. They are slow-moving and small in number, but a combination of heavily armoured and disciplined infantry with devastating ranged weaponry and artillery can turn them into well-coordinated Mighty Glaciers. Dwarfs: An Elitist/Technical/Loyalist faction.The army is defined by units with large unit sizes and high attack power but correspondingly low armour and melee defence, and also low leadership, so while the Greenskins can do a lot of damage, they might not stick around long.

Good Greenskin strategic doctrine emphasizes momentum. Although they can suffer attrition from going too long without a good scrap, successfully raising an army's 'Fightiness' to high enough levels and maintaining it will cause a Waaagh!, leading AI armies to spawn and follow the relevant Warbosses around the map and aiding their conquests. Their Orc units are built for straightforward head-bashing and head-on collisions, their Goblin units being more numerous but also more fragile and designed to be used in sneaky ways to get the most out of them. The Empire still lacks large monstrous creatures and flying units, however. Their strength lies in their ability to customize their loadout to take on all comers and the ability to counter pretty much any army. They have a combination of light and heavy infantry, cavalry and artillery both mundane and arcane. The Empire: A Balanced/Generalist faction, with splashes of Unit Specialization.A Commander Is You: Each faction has its strengths and weaknesses, both on the campaign map, and the battlefield:.Fully upgraded Bretonnian towers fire at people.While also having standard flaming arrows, peasant bowmen can be equipped with pox arrows, which have been stated to be covered in shit.Artillery wise, The Doom Diver catapult launches suicidal goblin fanatics into the sky to act as primitive, skyborn kamikaze fighters, The Hell Cannon shoots twisted screaming souls, the Holy Trebuchet catapults vats of holy water, and the Cygor heaves magical boulders.An Inversion is also in the game, (like 'Likes Greenskins', for example), which instead gives negative traits when fighting the faction. Absolute Xenophobe: There are several traits that confer the character hating an entire species (such as 'Hates Greenskins', for example), that usually give army wide bonuses in combat against them.Other features, such as city-building, diplomacy and unit-building remain largely unchanged. This is also the first Total War game to feature flying units, such as dragons and gyrocopters, and especially large, powerful units like Giants and the enormous Arachnarok Spiders. Agents have been replaced by Heroes, who perform similar functions but can also serve as powerful combat units on the battlefield.

Randomly generated, killable Lords much like earlier games' generals can be recruited as well. They are functionally immortal (merely being wounded for several turns instead of killed) and thus lead your forces through the entirety of the campaign. Legendary Lords are major characters from the Warhammer lore that serve as your faction leaders and primary generals. Primarily, each faction plays notably differently from the others, with entirely unique unit rosters and a number of faction-specific strengths and restrictions that go far beyond those in historical Total War.
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The gameplay differs considerably from previous games in the series in a number of ways, largely to be more in keeping with the Warhammer universe.